Wellbeing Tent - 2024

9:15-10:00 | Jo Culf – Sound Bath

10:00-10:45 | Bethany Wynn – Rejuvenation and self-care

11:00-11:45 | Mike Adams – Exclusive Networking Masterclass featuring Mike Adams the Networking King!

12:00-12:45 | Bianca Errigo

13:00-13:45 | Anna Martynenka

14:00-14:45 | Disrupt London – Workplace Wellness Talks

15:00-15:45 | Shocka – Mental Health Talk and Performance

16:00-16:45 | Emily Syphas – Sober & Social

17:00-17:45 | Boo Kartawick – Anxiety: Harnessing the Power Within